10 Tips for Adults

Mt. Moriah Church 676 Christopher St, St. Augustine, FL

increasing fruit andvegetable consumption, increasing physical activity, consuming more water, and providing SNAP-Ed eligible adults with the skills to purchase healthy foods on a budget.

Food Smarts

Janie's Garden 2350 Central Ave., Sarasota, FL

Food Smarts Week 4: Understanding Labels and Ingredients

Leah’s Pantry

Hope Helps 812 Eyrie Drive, Oviedo, FL

Leah’s Pantry: Gut Health

St. Cloud Dream Center 311 Commerce Center Drive, St. Cloud, FL

St. Cloud Dream Center

Eat Smart, Live Strong

Greencastle of Bayonet 11722 La Madera Blvd, Port Richey, FL

intervention designed to improve fruit and vegetable consumption and physical activity among 60-74 year olds

Food Smarts

Orchard Place 1300 N Lockwood Ridge Rd., Sarasota, FL

Food Smarts Week 4: Understanding Labels and Ingredients